HTML minifier

HTML Minifier

The HTML Minifier is a powerful online tool designed to compress and optimize your HTML code. By reducing the size of your HTML files, you can significantly improve your website's loading speed and overall performance. This tool is especially useful for web developers and designers who need to streamline their code without sacrificing functionality or readability.

Features of HTML Minifier

  • Whitespace Removal: Eliminate unnecessary spaces, tabs, and line breaks to reduce file size.
  • Comment Stripping: Remove all HTML comments to ensure clean and compact code.
  • Attribute Quotes Removal: Remove unnecessary quotes around attribute values where possible.
  • Attribute Redundancy Removal: Automatically remove default attribute values to keep your code concise.
  • Boolean Attribute Optimization: Minimize boolean attributes to their shortest form.
  • Empty Element Removal: Delete empty HTML elements that do not contribute to the page's structure or appearance.
  • CSS and JavaScript Minification: Compress inline CSS and JavaScript code for better performance.
  • Customizable Settings: Adjust the minification options to suit your specific needs and preferences.

How to Use HTML Minifier

  1. Copy and paste your HTML code into the input box provided.
  2. Select the minification options you wish to apply by checking or unchecking the corresponding boxes.
  3. Click the "Minify" button to compress your HTML code.
  4. The minified version of your HTML code will appear in the output box. You can then copy it and use it on your website.


Original HTML Code:

    My Website  

Welcome to My Website

Minified HTML Code:

My Website

Welcome to My Website

With HTML Minifier, you can ensure that your HTML code is as efficient and lightweight as possible, leading to faster load times and a better user experience. Try it now and see the difference!

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